Building Compliance Basics

Comply or die trying to construct your building.

What is compliance?

Compliance is process where Architects and Engineers plan site layout and design buildings according the planning parameters and statutory requirements in place by building authorities.

All requirements listed in building regulations and statutory acts are required by law with possibility of incurring a fine, time imprisonment and/or both if the qualified persons (Licensed Architect/Professional Engineer)signing off falsely declare full compliance when submitting to the authorities.

Most building design should be able to comply with the ‘’ code.

Otherwise, qualified persons can seek alternative ways to demonstrate compliance by simulations and/or waivers (exceptions granted by the building authority.)

Why compliance?

  • To ensure the safety of occupants in the building and also neighbouring buildings

  • To ensure coherence of building design/site layout with the urban context

  • To ensure proper connection of services, drains and public utilities

  • To ensure adequate provision of facilities for the well-being of occupants (etc public toilets, noise control, vehicle parking)

  • To ensure adequate building performance, constructability, sustainability.

Overview of the Compliance Process

Plan approval is required by statutory law before the main contractor can construct the building. Architects submit to the building authorities through drawings and calculations, to show the compliance to the various building and planning codes.

Preliminary Design (Development Control)

Planning parameters must be complied.

Key items to be established: GFA, Strata area, Plot Ratio, Site layout, Building Setback & Building Height etc

Detailed Design (Building Plan)

Building layout finalised and submitted for approval before construction.

Key items to be established: Building layout, fire safety, service provisions etc


To follow exactly approved plans. If not, to submit amendment plans to building authority before proceed with the changes. Architects must regularise deviations from approved plans to avoid abortive works.

Completion (Occupation)

Building constructed to approved drawings, on-site inspection and verification.

Last updated